June 2023

In the past decade, phones and computers have made a shift from functional devices to refuges from reality.  Coming from a strong societal dissatisfaction, younger generations use social media and digital platforms to escape and express frustrations. This phenomenon is known as escapism and can be a healthy coping mechanism. However, excessive escapism can give rise to mental health issues. Teenagers and young adults spend an average of 7 hours and 22 minutes on screens consuming nearly half their day in the digital realm.  Are we destined to be part of this digital era, merely adapting to its technological advancements? Or does this behavior lead us to inhabit a self-created digital utopia? Perhaps through escapism, we can reflect on our screen habits and raise awareness among future generations. ASCIIPISM visualizes the potential consequences of our actions through a digital ‘utopia’ by drawing from the digital ASCII art form. 

@ de don studios